Signs Of A High Value Man

There are many men out there who have a lot of money and drive fast cars but can't seem to get their lives together. They are, unfortunately, the types of men we like to think of as "high-value."

A man's value isn't determined by how much money he makes. You're a high-value man if you can add value to the world in any way, regardless of your financial status or the kind of suits you wear. Recognizing high value has less to do with the car you're driving and more to do with your personality, elegance, and energy. The only thing a high-value man is concerned with is evolving into his best possible self.

Without further ado, let's have a look at some traits of a high-value man:

1. He’s a positive person

A high-value man understands how to control his thoughts in the present moment. He is optimistic because he believes he can be, do, or have everything he sets his mind to. He doesn't let any negative thoughts enter his head. He shifts his focus to the positive outcome he desires and continues on his way. He's aware of the fact that his ideas shape his world. He can put his thoughts in a positive frame of mind at any time and rattle off a list of things he's grateful for. When he thinks how he's walking, breathing, the sky is brilliant, he's loved, he's healthy, he's having fun, he's got a lot to grin about!

Recommended Book: The Power of Positive Thinking

2. He commits to himself and others

Whether it's committing to a relationship, a career, a project, or himself and his own development, he knows the importance of having a safe zone and stability in life.

He doesn't need 10 ladies to make him feel loved and valued when he has that one special someone. He'd rather treat the things to which he's committed with all of his respect than jump from one thing to the next, never knowing where he's at.

3. He chooses his words carefully

A man who is a relationship material doesn't say anything idly. He doesn't offer vague promises of love that he doesn't believe in.

If he thinks he's just using cheap sentiment to calm you without addressing the real issue, he won't say meaningless phrases or go through the motions. 

He means it when he says he loves you. He'll make you feel better. He'll brush your hair and tell you how wonderful you are. But he won't make things appear simple or easy when it isn't. Because he is concerned with big ideas such as Truth and Honesty.

4. He seeks to understand you

He wants to hear what you're saying and understand what you're thinking and feeling. He won't leave the moment you express your feelings; instead, he'll sit down with you and talk it out. He'll be there for you when you need someone to weep on. He genuinely wants to know you and show that he cares. Nothing will be able to scare him away because he loves you and will continue to do so as long as you love and appreciate him.

Recommended Book: Caring: A Relational Approach to Ethics and Moral Education

5. He makes plans and follows through

He isn't afraid to make solid plans because he loves his time and enjoys filling his days with activity and action. People in his circle never have to wonder if he'll show up since he balances professional and personal responsibilities. When he schedules a date, he ensures that all of the necessary arrangements are made. If the date includes activities, he advises the lady to bring gym clothes, sneakers, a dress, and shorts, as well as any other items she would need.

6. He is emotionally strong

He can deal with the problems that life throws at him because of his emotional intelligence. Sure, sadness can bring anyone down, and grieving a loss is necessary and reasonable, but someone who is emotionally mature will not let a loss define them.

When you're dating a high-value man, you'll observe that instead of letting sadness control his actions, he strives to answer "What next?"

7. He looks nice

This doesn't mean he has a six-pack and looks like Prince Charming, but it does indicate he makes an effort to look his best.

He dresses up for every event, takes frequent showers, and spends a lot of money on personal care products. He wants to show himself in the best light possible.

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